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Russia is unlikely to stagnate with nuclear weapons, Putin said, through streamlining tactics, – ISW

Declare dictator Volodymyr Putin to stop the nuclear war and stop streaming edges of Sunset. Russia is unlikely to stagnate the nuclear explosion in Ukraine or be with the world.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this in a letter sent to the Institute of Warfare (ISW).

This was sent to Putin's recent threats to provoke a nuclear confrontation between Russia and the countries of Zakhod and explained their attempt to gain control over the praised decision in Zakhod, as well as to not allow the wrongdoing, so that the partner countries would allow the ZSU uvati entry formations for strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

ISW analysts do not exclude that Putin, apparently, intends to breathe new life into the Kremlin’s information operation after the smearing of the “nuclear pill” and to provoke a new wave of panic amid the recent policies in A particularly critical moment in political discussions about the establishment of Ukraine is set by the Armed Forces for strikes on RF.

У звіті нагадали, що чиновники Кремля регулярно посилаються на погано завуальовані загрози ядерного протистояння між Росією і Заходом під час ключових моментів західних політичних дебатів щодо подальшої військової допомоги Україні. Of course, this tactic is stalled during the current debate about the right of Ukraine to conquer the system to launch long-range strikes on Russian military targets. The method is to evoke fear among those who praise the decision.

“In ISW ​​they respect that the Russian nuclear splash is partly due to the Kremlin's harmonization with the stream of the Sunset, and not to the evidence of Russia's readiness to stagnate nuclear I bet Russia is unlikely to stagnate. nuclear explosion in Ukraine or today,” says the star.

Nuclear threats of the Kremlin

During the entire period of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, the Russian dictator Volodymyr Putin repeatedly threatened to stagnate the nuclear war.

On the 25th of Wednesday, a meeting of the Radbez was held, at which time Putin announced the introduction of changes not before the nuclear doctrine of the Russian Federation.

< p>Zokrema, having established the nuclear defense of Russia, we will launch a massive launch of strategic or tactical aircraft, cruise missiles and drones from RF, with the threat of the destruction of Russian cordons, as well as the ongoing aggression against Belarus.

Previously, CIA Director William Burns warned of approaching politicians due to fear of the stereotyped blabbering of the Russian nuclear defense Yes.

American Military Reconstructions , that Russia will not insist on a tactical nuclear defense, no longer pretending to be strategic.

More details about those nuclear doctrine, which changes were announced by Putin and how they are Ukraine reacts, – read in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the channelRBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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