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In Ukraine they want to create a single registry of military servicemen

A unified state register of military services may appear in Ukraine. The final bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.

RBC-Ukraine reports this in a message to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on Facebook.

As reported by the department, the head of the proposal The bill has the following:

Assistant Minister of Defense of Ukraine Katerina Chernogorenko said that if the bill is requested, it will be possible to withdraw legal instruments from working with information about the military service and to protect such data.

“It is necessary to obtain Well, I’ll enlighten our military’s competencies. power, it is possible to provide them with administrative and social services in electronic format,” the official added.

What was conveyed

I guess it was just a month ago that the supplement was launched in Ukraine for military service members of Army+. It allows citizens to submit reports in an online format and nothing more.

For more details about the functions of the program, see the material from RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine Read them at RBC-Ukraine channels on Telegram.

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