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The EBRD has updated its economic growth forecast for Ukraine for 2024-2025

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has saved the forecast for Ukrainian economic growth in 2024 births in the region by 3.0%. The forecast for 2025 was reduced from 6.0% to 4.7%.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with information on the EBRD forecast.

“New developments in important economic pressures The transfer of electricity in the context of the war in Ukraine interrupted four quarters of GDP growth. The economy grew by approximately 6.5% in the first quarter of 2024, but then recovered due to electricity shortages. and more high prices for electricity that is imported,” is reported.

Inflation stabilized below the target of 5% in the first half of the year, and at least reached 5.8% in the first half of 2024. Тому пом'якшення грошово-кредитної політики було призупинено центральним банком після семи зниження облікової ставки в період з липня 2023 року по червень 2024 року, коли ставку було знижено з 25 до 13%, повідомили в ЄБРР.

” Короткострокові перспективи зростання залишаються вкрай невизначеними. Поліпшення перспектив експорту, підкріплене чорноморським коридором уздовж узбережжя, може бути перевішене дефіцитом електроенергії”, – йдеться у прогнозі.

Крім того, дефіцит work force is lost, and the risk of additional ruination of infrastructure and labor pressures is lost.

Growth of the Ukrainian economy

It is likely, according to the State Statistics Service, Ukraine’s GDP increased by 6.5% in the first quarter 2024 roku. The growth increased to 3.7% in the other quarter.

International financial organizations, experts, the government of Ukraine and the NBU predict the growth of the Ukrainian economy in 2024 at around 3%.

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