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Center of National Resistance: At the Zaporizhia TOT, utility workers are forced to refuse wage arrears

As a result, people began to quit municipal enterprises en masse.

In Zaporizhzhya, utility companies are worried about being forced to pay dues

At the enterprises of the temporarily occupied Zaporozhye, in particular in Berdyansk, applications are being collected to refuse wage arrears.

This was reported by the Center for National Resistance.

It is specified that the heads of the institutions , who willingly cooperated with the invaders, received such an order from the Russian occupation authorities.

We are talking about the city of Berdyansk and, in particular, about the municipal enterprises “Gorlift” and “Berdyanskvoda”.

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As a result, people began to quit their jobs at municipal enterprises en masse, although there is already a critical shortage of personnel at the municipal enterprise on TOT.

For example, collaborators cannot organize the work public transport in Russian-occupied Donetsk, where barely a third of buses, trolleybuses and trams are on the road.

The reason is the shortage of drivers, who have been massively mobilized into the ranks of the Russian army.

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