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Russia hit the KAB on a rich surface of life near Kharkov: the buildings are on fire, and there are casualties

Under the hour of renewed alarm, Kharkov’s viscera began to ripple. Russia attacked the place with ceramic bombs. Є incarceration of Zhitlov’s 5-overkhivka, the fire has broken down.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this from the request of the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov.

In his words, Є incarceration of Zhitlov’s rich topkhivka.< /p>

“The blow of one of the KABs hit the living surface. As for the victims, information is being collected,” Terekhov wrote.

Updated at 11:25 p.m. According to previous data, seven people were injured, according to the head of the Kharkiv OVA, Oleg Sinegubov.

At the place of the arrival of a large surface fire, the cabin itself and the car itself were burning, according to Terekhov.

Updated on 23 :31. Following Sinegubov’s words, the enemy received a five-top booth between the third and fourth surfaces. Burn at least 10 cars. The ritualists evacuate the meshkans. The liquidation of the fire and the jokes of people are troubling.

Updated at 11:42 p.m. Among the eight victims is a girl of three fates. Usi – in the middle and light camps, according to the head of the OVA.

Updated at 23:55. President Volodymyr Zelensky reacted to Russia's attack on Kharkov.

He published a video of the raids.

“Kharkiv, Saltivka, the most important residential building that was hit by a Russian bomb.

Зараз триває рятувальна операція. Йде пошук усіх, хто міг постраждати. Відомо на цей час про 8 поранених. Усім буде надано необхідну допомогу.

І щоб такі російські удари припинились, Україна має отримати I will provide necessary and sufficient help from the world and from partners. A skin leader knows exactly what needs to be done. It’s important to be decisive,” the president wrote.

Updated at 23:57. The number of victims increased to nine people, having reported Sinegubov.

Guess what, 2nd Ukrainian law enforcement officers have stolen the depository from the university, as they were working for the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Vaughn carried out attacks on Kharkov.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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