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Macron called for unique standards during the wars in Ukraine and Israel

International cooperation is to blame for the lack of “equal standards” in global conflicts, zokrema shodo voen na Blizkogo Ghod and in Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated this, RBC-Ukraine reported to Le Monde.

The controversial summit of leaders of the French countries, the head of state meaning that this group of countries can simultaneously make a contribution to the global world. In his opinion, it is possible to implement this regardless of the weakening of the global surge in France, especially in Africa.

Macron reconsiders that the French world is “the place where we can conduct a strong diplomacy that protects sovereignty and territorial integrity throughout the entire planet.”

“This is the place to speak with Ukraine, which is being attacked today, which is under threat at its cordons and territorial integrity through the Russian aggressive war. There is a place where there is no place for the same standards, where all life is equal in all conflicts all over the world,” he said.

Vidannya means that Macron has already achieved turbulence Israel's campaign in Lebanon against the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, calling for an “absolutely shocking” number of civilian casualties.

In his statement, he noted that Lebanon, as a huge French colony, “has today been robbed of its sovereignty in the world” through the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

“Not We can help the world at the Close Gathering without a decision about the two powers between Israel and the Palestinians,” said the French leader.

The summit of the French powers

On Friday, the 4th of June, in the town of Villiers-Cotteret on the eve The summit of “Francophonie” was born in Paris.

Zustrich is held first in 33 days. Dozens of leaders are taking part in it – from the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

It is possible that the French influx in Africa was undermined by coups in Malia in the 20th 21 roci, Burkina Faso In 2022, Nigeria had a birth in 2023, as a result of which the regime, friendly to Paris, was replaced by a junta that became closer to Russia.

Diplomatic efforts of France

At the end of the day, Emmanuel Macron met with US President Joe Biden. The leaders discussed options for stopping the fire between the Israeli army and the Lebanese Hezbollah group. Зокрема, Макрон заявив, що в Лівані “не повинно бути війни”.

Франція і Канада домовилися спільно допомагати Києву опиратися російській агресії в кіберпросторі.

Раніше Макрон заявив, що після завершення війни in Ukraine, Europe will have to change the nature of the war with Russia.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the channelRBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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