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The General Staff of the ZSU confirmed the attack on the oil depot near the Voronezk region

Today's nights Ukrainian defense forces were in charge of the attack on the base saving palms and oils aliv “Annanefteprodukt” nearby the village of Anna near the Voronezk region of Russia.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this in a message to the press service of the General Staff of the ZSU.

Russian software systems, prote an accident was recorded in one of the vertical tanks, which caused a fire.

The operation was carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine in collaboration with other units of the Defense Forces. The results of the attack will be clarified soon.

Attacks in the Russian Federation

At the beginning of the 4th year in the Perm region of Russia there was a great fire on the basis of saving petroleum products, the area occupied decreased by 10 thousand square meters.

In addition, In the Russian city of Novosibirsk there was a fire in the regional department of the FSB. The unknown people threw the house out of an easy-going madness through a broken window, which led to business.

Earlier, on the night of the 29th of April, in several regions of Russia it was also restless. Near the Krasnodar region, fire broke out, and fire broke out near the military airfield in Yeiska. Based on the information from the local jets, Kinjal missiles could have been stored at the site.

On the same day, explosions occurred in the Tambov, Oryol, Lipetsk, Tula, Voronezk and Saratov regions.

U In the Volgograd region, apparently, another military base was attacked. According to the words of Andriy Kovalenko, the head of the Center for the Prevention of Disinformation at the RNBO, Iranian ballistic missiles were saved there.

For terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine, read the channel and RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.< /p>

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