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Ukraine could be admitted to NATO with occupied territories – Stoltenberg

This is a fairly realistic scenario for which Ukraine is becoming a member of the Alliance, compared to those who are ї territories will be deprived of occupation. In Ukraine, there are other ways to solve the problem of the status of collective security.

This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, reports RBC-Ukraine in a statement to the Financial Times.

“It is already unsafe to reconcile, since the parallels are not 100% correct, otherwise the United States can guarantee security for Japan. Otherwise, the smells do not spread to the Kuril Islands, which Japan respects Japanese territory Yeah, контрольованою Росією”, – навів він приклад.

Крім того, Столтенберг також згадав Західну Німеччину, яка розглядала Східну Німеччину як частину великої Німеччини.

“У них не було посольства у Східному Берліні . Ale NATO, of course, stole even Zahidna Nіmechchina. If there is a will, there are ways to find solutions. “If there is a need for a boundary, which means that Article 5 is stagnant, and Ukraine is obliged to control the entire territory up to that cordon,” adding extra Secretary General.

Varto noted that even before the completion of his duties, Stoltenberg said that the decision about Ukraine’s future membership in the Alliance – together with the occupied territories – may turn out to be allies.

We guess that yesterday, the 3rd, before Ukraine arrived, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte arrived.

At the hour of the press conference with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, he stated that Ukraine is now close, like never before, to NATO membership.

Terminovi Read important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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