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Voronezk region is afraid of drone attacks on businesses and will wait

The Voronezk region (Russian Federation) has been working on anti-aircraft defense since the beginning of the 5th through the detection of drones . Під повітряну атаку потрапили кілька підприємств, та спалахнула пожежа.

Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на Telegram губернатора Воронезької області Олександра Гусєва.

За словами російського чиновника, засобами ППО та РЕБ last night, “a number of drones were shot down and strangled.”

Vin confirms that Ukraine is behind the air attack. She declares that the drones “were trying to attack a number of enterprises that produce civilian products.”

As the Voronezh governor confirmed, one of the enterprises was sleeping “on the territory of one of them,” there is a problem with the work of representatives operational services.

“At any other enterprise that was exposed to UAV attacks, there were no casualties or damage,” the official wrote.

The same is true of the Rospovi Here, one person suffered a shrapnel wound in her arm.

In the meantime, Russian media are clarifying that a drone attack took place on the Ethanol Alcohol distillery, located near the Novokhopersk Voronezk region. Also, in the meantime, there were publicized footage of the vibrator and business there.

The news is being updated…

Read the terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the channel RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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