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In one day, Russians attacked 17th KAB of the Ukrainian border

The enemy is actively using the Kursk region to launch “Shaheds”.

KAB-500 aerial bomb Over the past 24 hours, 17 Russian KABs.

This was reported by the spokesman for the operational-tactical group “Seversk” Vadim Mysnik on the air of the telethon, writes Ukrinform.

“KABs are for settlements that are located in the border areas. We also record that the enemy used them over the past 24 hours. He also very actively uses aviation assets. The enemy fired at the border guard point. And, unfortunately, we have five wounded,” Mysnik noted.

The main strikes of the occupiers are concentrated on civilian infrastructure, private homes and civilian cars. According to Mysnik, the enemy attacked a scheduled bus, where three people were injured.

The speaker also reported that the Kursk region is actively used by the enemy to launch UAVs on the territory of Ukraine.

“If we take it in a strategic sense, it is the Kursk region that is the most advantageous approach from the north for strike unmanned aerial vehicles from Russia. They do this from the depths and we cannot always reach the launch source itself. . We use electronic warfare and all our anti-aircraft assets to destroy as much as possible and not allow the enemy to enter,” Mysnik emphasized.

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