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Britain gave Ukraine nearly 4.5 billion dollars for the purchase of armor

Great Britain gave Ukraine 3.5 billion pounds sterling (about 4.5 billion dollars) на закупівлю сучасного військового обладнання британських виробників.

Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на сайт уряду Британії.

Зазначається, що торгівельна місія країни, до складу якої Representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Department of Business and Trade and the Defense Association ADS have arrived to discuss further cooperation with the Ukrainian government and representatives of the industry.

This mission extends the agreement signed in the 2024 agreement, which allows Ukraine to spend 3.5 billion pounds sterling (about 4.5 billion dollars) on the purchase of current British military equipment virobniki.

The group of the British mission was protected by an intercessor State Secretary for Food of the Armed Forces Luke Pollard.

He stated that the country is steadily supporting Ukraine, not only by donating military equipment, but also by developing compatibility with the Ukrainian defense industry. This helps to receive investments and appreciate the capabilities of both powers.

One of the key objectives of this mission has become the understanding of Ukraine’s needs for complex equipment and ground systems. This became a “signal” for the British defense industry, which is already preparing for the final agreements.

In addition, the British Ministry of Defense has secured “a number of important contracts” with British companies.

Among other things, Thales was engaged in the production of missiles for anti-aircraft defense and Sheffield Forgemasters in the production of forgings for artillery guns.

Also, the inter-ranked Task Force HIRST team is working on stimulating industrial production and expanding international national cooperation with Ukrainian companies.

Help for Ukraine from Britain

I guess, on the 11th of April, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, David Lemmy, voted on giving Ukraine a new package help. It is possible to reach over 780 million dollars.

Earlier, on June 7, Britain announced military aid to Ukraine. The package included high-precision Brimstone missiles, ammunition and artillery units.

Ukraine and Britain also agreed on the development of defense capabilities. It is transferring repairs, repairs and repairs.

It recently became known that Britain will transfer the AS90 self-propelled guns to Ukraine for a total of 16 units. Some of the self-propelled guns have already been delivered.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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