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Occupiers hit KAB on a rich surface near Kharkov: it’s lost

Russian invaders attacked Kharkiv with ceramic bombs today, 8 June . The stinks were received on a large scale.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with messages to the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov on Telegram and the head of the Kharkiv OVA Oleg Sinegubov on Telegram.

“KAB’s first blow to the rich people near the Kiev region,” wrote the little head.

After his words, after the blow, we know about one dead one.

In his own hand, Sinegubov wrote that in As a result of the attack, according to previous data, there were casualties.

Shelling of Kharkov

Varto зауважити, що це вже далеко не перший випадок, коли росіяни використовують свої потужні авіабомби для ударів по багатоповерхівках у Харкові.

Зокрема, 24 вересня ворог ударив по висотках у Київському та Салтівському районах міста. At one point, the surfaces “collapsed.”

As a result of the attack, dozens of injured civilians were reported. The same way they died.

Mer Terekhov, who from the spring Russian occupiers shelled Kharkov hundreds of times.

Terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine Read them on the RBC channel -Ukraine on Telegram.

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