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Energy Minister Names Scenario for Getting Through Winter Without Power Outages

German Galushchenko criticized the gloomy forecasts voiced at the UN

Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko

Ukraine Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko is convinced of this.

According to the official, quoting “Ukrinform”, the condition for such a scenario is the failure of the Russians to destroy those critical infrastructure facilities that survived the previous attacks.

The minister expressed dissatisfaction with the statement about possible 18-hour blackouts, which was made at the United Nations Nations. Galushchenko claims that Ukraine summoned UN representatives and asked them to explain the basis on which they made such calculations. However, they were unable to provide “real arguments.”

By the end of the year, Ukraine should receive distributed generation facilities with a total capacity of more than 1 gigawatt, but, as the minister says, they will not have time to connect them all this year.< /p>

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