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Minister of Culture: As long as there is war, we need a United Marathon

In particular, Nikolai Tochitsky believes that a single telethon is important to counter Russian propaganda.

Nikolai Tonitsky Nikolai Tochitsky said that as long as there is war, we need a United Marathon.

He said this in an interview with the Voice of America.

“As long as there is war, we need a United Marathon. It is needed so that we can make unified approaches that will break down the propaganda that the Russian Federation is making towards us,” said Tochitsky.

At the same time, he noted that this should be a project of a more educational nature, where we will explain more, for example, what Ukrainian culture is, what we plan to do to preserve it.

“I believe that United News can be the platform where we can talk about all this and get rid of those Russian enemy narratives that were laid down in different periods of Ukraine’s development,” Tochitsky said. on censorship in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, the telethon has created unprecedented control over television news, says the US State Department's report on human rights violations

“I don’t know what kind of censorship we’re talking about. In any messages produced by the ministry, you have a return address and you can always write and say that you don’t like it or think differently. If, for example, a conversation with a particular guest takes place on the same United News, I don’t see or remember anyone specifically inviting or not inviting a particular speaker,” Tochitsky said.

“But I said and will continue to say that as long as the war goes on, United News will exist. But we must, as in everything, produce a higher quality product so that it is interesting. It is very important for us to create a truly strategic communication of the present, not only for the outside world, but also internally. And without a real discussion of the ongoing processes, it will be quite difficult to win this war,” the minister said.

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