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Old new coins. The signs have taken “steps” and if they can replace “copies”

The National Bank has submitted bills to rename the Ukrainian fractional coin. As the Verkhovna Rada supports them, steps will appear in the replacement of copies.

RBC-Ukraine recognizes that the renaming of coins has been carried out, if steps are taken as they are connected with history our land.


It’s time to change the name “copy” to “step”

Changing the name of the Ukrainian coin from a kopiya to a step, the National Bank initiated the beginning of the spring. The reasons are the renewal of historical justice, the consolidation of de-Russification and the revival of national traditions in penny trading.

As explained by the head of the NBU Andriy Pishny, the name of the copy is actually a symbol of the Moscow payback tsії. Now is the time to clear monetary sovereignty in the face of the least controversy with Moscow.

Current sociological research shows that the majority of Ukrainians are in decline history and culture of Ukraine. And pennies are an important symbol of sovereignty.

The possibility of changing the name of the Ukrainian coin from “kopiyka” to “shag” has been studied by historians. And the winnings of the coin are given to confirm, which is the Ukrainian name for fractional coins – “step”.

“Then turning (step, – ed.) to the current penny coin is logical Our hryvnia belongs to the princely family, and our step is to resemble the glorious Cossack family,” said Andriy Boyko-Gagarin, senior fund saver of the NBU Penny Museum.

The National Academy of Sciences supported the National Bank's reforms.

In connection with this, the necessary legislative changes have been prepared. Previously, the National Bank submitted a package about introducing changes to certain laws about changing the name of a coin to the Tax Code.

If there are steps in any denomination

As the Verkhovna Rada supports bills, then the first steps are 'appear already at the first birthday of 2025, saying Pishny.

In other words, you won’t require any additional expenses. “For 2025, we have planned to issue approximately 20 million coins with a face value of 50 copies, replacing these, which will be useful. As soon as the next step is taken, we will simply ensure the necessary adjustments and “We can’t wait for the “50 steps”,” adding wine.< /p>

The relationship between the “copy” and the “step” will be 1:1. copies.

Currently, there are no plans for special training through the name change. Offended coins – a copy and a step – will be in circulation at the same time. Ukrainians do not need to specially exchange copies for steps.

“Also, if the first coins with a face value of 50 steps are allowed, there may be great interest among numismatists, which is why our history “, – adding Pishny.

It is significant that the plural in the word “steps” has the correct meaning – to the first warehouse, then “steps”.

How to look at new coins

New coins, which replace copies, have the same weight and color. The design may change slightly, which is logical given the fact that today’s coins have the word “kopiyak” embossed on them.

“We plan to save the same materials for the production of coins. They will have the same weight, color and other characteristics,” said Oleg Prohoda, director of the NBU penny trading department, in an interview with The Page.

In other words, you don’t need to change your carburetor, just re-adjust a little. As soon as there are additional expenditures, there will be none, and new ones will be generated so quickly to replace worn-out pennies. “Nutrition for the one who carbuvat in 2025 will recognize the “copies” and Ukrainian “steps”, – adding wine.

How the steps themselves will look until unknown. In the first half of 1992, the workers of the Verstatobudivny Plant in Lugansk, which carved Ukrainian coins, produced experimental designs of coins with a face value of 1 step and 50 steps.

Photo: experimental images of steps 1992 (

After 1992, the sketches of the artist Vasil Lopati of a wide range of denominations – 1, 5, 10 and 25 steps were accepted. Buvani on factory.

On January 2, 1992, a decree of the Supreme Court confirmed the name of 1/100 of a part of the hryvnia – “kopiyka”, and the NBU was entrusted with developing the design and introducing kopeks into the round.

The name “step” was adopted

Name “step” is not related to the word “step” in Russian language. These words are interchangeable paronyms, so they sound the same, but may have different meanings.

There are three versions of the Ukrainian step:

A step in Ukrainian history

The name “step” is a long-standing Ukrainian journey. It was victorious both in the current Ukraine and in the Ukrainian penny market from the 16th – 17th centuries. This is a unique name, unknown to other linguistic cultures.

According to the words of the senior scientific scholar of the National Museum of History of Ukraine Vladislav Bespalka, the name “step” was widely adopted by the people of Cossack Ukraine from the mid-17th century.

“In short mіstke word “step” good Illustrates the power of the money-saving method of saving money. That is why it quickly became popular and the main name for the treatment of pennies, which is deeply rooted in the everyday life of the Ukrainians. culture zagalom”, – having noted the teachings.

Paper's steps served as a means of paying for the coin at the counter for the hours of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Exchange marks of 10, 20, 39, 40 and 50 steps were made from a rough paper, on the back there was an inscription “Walk on the plain with a coin”. The artistic design for stamps with denominations of 30, 40 and 50 kroki was created by the famous graphic artist Georgiy Narbut, the authorship of others belongs to Anton Sereda.

In just a few hours, the Hetmanate was allowed to issue bonds – in 4-term terms with a nominal value of 50, 100, 200 and 1000 hryvnia in the amount of 1 billion hryvnia. Through the marriage of pennies of other denominations, the separate coupons of these tickets have become like penny substitutes, following the system of denominations: 90 steps per bond for 50 hryvnia, 1 hryvnia and 8 0 steps for a 100 hryvnia bond, 3 hryvnia and 60 steps for a 200 hryvnia bond.

Ukrainian diaspora behind the cordon It issued not only bophonies, but also special non-state postage stamps. They could be marked in denominations in hryvnias and steps.

A step in Ukrainian literature

The inspiration for the names of penny units can be seen in the work of Taras Shevchenko. In his texts, 11 types of variations were revealed in the words “step” and “step” in a significant old coin, 1/2 kopek.

For example, the heroine of the poem “Katerina” is afraid to ask for mercy: “Bere step, even as a coward: It’s hard, yo brother!..What’s the matter?.. And the child?“This gives us information about the lexical warehouse of the Ukrainian language of the other half of the 19th century and confirms the founding of such a penny unit in the commodity-penny stocks of that time,” said the head of the savings fund of the National Museum of Taras She Kiev's wife Yulia Shilenko.

The step is revealed in the first well-known Ukrainian work “Eneida” by Ivan Kotlyarevsky: “For good science, I gave twelve steps in my hand

Similar butts can be found in many popular writers of the 19th century. This includes the creativity of Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky, Panas Myrny, Lesya Ukrainka and others.

The word “step” becomes more pronounced in many forms. For example, “Don’t take the first step”

During the preparation of the text, the following were used: publications of the National Bank of Ukraine, stated by the head of the NBU Andriy Pishny, interview with the director of the department of penny trading of the NBU Oleg Prohodi for The Page, website material “Osvitoriya Media”.

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