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Zelensky: Ukraine and France are working on creating joint production facilities

This new model of interaction involves the creation of joint Ukrainian-French production facilities in Ukraine.

Macron and Zelensky in Paris, October 10, 2024

“This week we have added new agreements on weapons to Ukraine, and these are not only supplies, but also production. Every foreign visit is always a conversation about investments in Ukrainian industry,” Zelensky said.

Zelensky summed up the results of foreign trips: defense packages, air defense and investments

The head of state noted that the Ukrainian industrial base is capable of producing significantly more drones, more shells, and military equipment than the state's financial capabilities allow.

“But at the same time, there are many partners who, for objective reasons, cannot help with arms supplies: they do not have their own, but are able to help us with financing. Also, some partners have special technologies that can be used in Ukraine now – in defense, in our active actions. There is leadership of countries that unites others in the world for the sake of our joint production work,” Zelensky said.

He thanked every partner of Ukraine that has already invested in the Ukrainian defense industry. According to him, Ukraine has already significantly increased production, in particular, of drones, thanks to such investments.

“Now in France we talked about a new model of interaction – about the creation of joint Ukrainian-French production facilities in our country. This is being worked out at the level of defense ministries,” Zelensky said.

He noted that the Danish model is already working, when the governments of partner states attract investment in weapons production, and the new French model is now being considered as an opportunity to attract investment in the creation of new production facilities.

“We are very much counting on this result for Ukraine, and this is a personal task for the Minister of Defense, for the Ministry of Strategic Industry – to ensure the implementation of all our agreements,” the head of state noted.

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