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Trump deployed a victorious army against the “internal enemy” on the day of the presidential election

US Presidential candidate Donald Trump called for the army to fight internal I'm my enemy “. He declared that it is not chaos on the side of his cronies and foreign figures, but “radical leftist madmen” that is turbulent.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this via CNN.

An hour later. In an interview with Fox News, Trump called the people in the middle of the United States a great problem. In other words, the country has “trash” and “sick” people.

“Я думаю, що велика проблема – це люди зсередини. У нас є дуже погані люди. У нас є хворі люди. Радикальні ліві безумці… Я думаю, що з цим легко впорається Національна гвардія, якщо це необхідно, або військові, якщо “It’s really necessary because they can’t allow it,” Trump said.

At the same time, he used a threat on the side of his voters, if he was questioned, and what he saw was chaos on election day.

< p>When the presenter guessed about those that the Ministry of Justice had arrested and called the giant of Afghanistan, who was apparently planning a terrorist attack on the day of the US presidential election, and also spoke about the threat of “external agitators” and illegal imm igrants, Trump has moved on to a speech about Zliv’s political opponents.

“I think that the big problem is that the enemy is in the middle. It’s not the same people who came to ruin our country, but I will ruin our country, towns, villages, the stench is flooded,” Trump said, paying attention to the respect of immigrants.

At the end of the day, the headquarters of US Vice President Kamali Harris praised the former president’s comment, declaring that Trump’s words could “alarm the skin of the American.”

Elections in the USA

It is a good guess that the elections in the USA will be held in just a few years, 5 leaves fall. The main candidates for the post of head of state are the former President of America Donald Trump (from the Republican Party) and the senior Vice President Kamala Harris (from the Democratic Party).

The day before, RBC-Ukraine reported that opituvannyami, Trump ruins his chances of victory, and Harris is losing his advantage.

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