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What is the pressure of generation in Ukraine from scratch: data from banks

Banks of Ukraine from the beginning of 2024 financed the efforts of business generation ї at 200 mW. This is the latest data that will insure about 85% of the portfolio.

RBC-Ukraine reports this in its communications to the NBU press service.

The largest costs are seen for the installation and installation of gas piston cogeneration units ( 96 MW), purchase of diesel and gasoline generators (51 MW) and daily SES (49 MW).

In addition, banks provide loans to the population. Upgrading the veresnya, the townspeople were given 1.1 thousand. loans in total amount of 133 million hryvnia. The total volume of the gross loan portfolio related to the energy needs of individuals will now reach UAH 204 million.

According to data from the NBU, banks in the early spring of 2024 rejected 2,484 business applications for lending to energy infrastructure projects for a total amount of UAH 54.8 billion. Applications have already been accepted (subscriptions and those that are being prepared before signing) in the amount of 7.9 billion hryvnia. The total volume of the gross portfolio of loans related to the energy needs of legal entities amounted to 2 billion hryvnia.

“We are aware of the emerging dynamics of the implementation by banks of joint initiatives from lending to support energy sector, and over the course of the last century, the gross portfolio of business loans has been increased” , – said the head of the NBU Andriy Pishny.

NBU program

It is likely that in response to the NBU’s agreement, 20 banks, often accounting for 85% of the sector’s net assets, signed a memorandum in early 2024 on their readiness to finance renewable energy.

The base lending rate is in accordance with the memorandum Duma – including 13.5% of rivers (or UIRD3M + 0.5% for the first financial period, and then – no more than UIRD12M + 3%).

It seems likely that in the beginning of 2024, the first intercessor of the head of the NBU, Katerina Rozhkova, said that the The effort from generating electricity for the scale of distributed generation in Ukraine will require billions of dollars.

“We are talking about the figures of one hundred percent of energy, one hundred percent of generating effort. One megawatt of renewed effort And it costs approximately 1 million dollars. Do you know how many gigabytes we have spent? “, she said.

As Rozhkova said, Ukraine would like 20% of what we can pay for the share of the divided generation,” then you can grab what's worth billions of dollars.” Behind these words, everything is focused on ensuring that the generation is distributed “before the cold season is completed.”

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