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Spouses of enemy informants and their accomplice detained in Kherson region

The married couple of the defendants collected coordinates of the locations of the largest concentration of personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian defenders.

The Security Service neutralized The Security Service neutralized the right bank of Kherson. The enemy cell included a spouse and their accomplice who spied on the Defense Forces. This was reported by the press service of the SBU.

According to the investigation, the married couple of the defendants collected coordinates of the locations of the greatest concentration of personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian defenders.

To do this, the defendants regularly walked around the area and secretly recorded the geolocation of the defense forces. If the agents discovered a military facility, they tried to establish the number of soldiers and types of weapons.

Their accomplice acted according to the same algorithm.

After reconnaissance sorties, the agents prepared “reports” for their resident (leader) of the Russian Federation agent group.

It turned out to be a relative of the couple from Kherson, who at the beginning of the full-scale war went to cooperate with the occupiers, and after the liberation of part of the region's territory, he fled to Krasnodar.

While on the territory of the aggressor country, the resident acted under the guidance of a career employee of the Russian GRU.

On the instructions of the Russian special services, he remotely recruited his brother and his wife from the Kherson region, as well as a local resident.

Over time, the married couple of agents arrived and tried to “lay low” and, posing as migrants from the Kherson region, moved to Odessa.

However, cyber specialists of the Security Service documented the criminal actions of the agent group and detained all three of its members in advance. Their mobile phones with evidence of communication with the Russian GRU were seized.

An informant for Russians from Selidovoe was detained in the Kirovograd region. She planned to leave for Russia via the EU

Security Service investigators informed the detainees of suspicion (in accordance with the crimes committed) under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

They face from 12 years of imprisonment to life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

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