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The Armed Forces of Ukraine reminded about criminal liability for dissemination of false information on mobilization

The Armed Forces say that there have been more frequent cases of dissemination of distorted and unverified information about the mobilization.

warned the public and the media about criminal liability for dissemination of false information about mobilization.

This is stated in the message of the Ground Forces.

The military notes that since the entry into force of the amendments concerning the mobilization policy as a whole, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Certain Issues of Military Service, Mobilization and Military Registration”, a number of significant changes have been made that concern the procedure for conscription of citizens for military service during mobilization, for a special period, specified by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 16, 2024, No. 560.

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“Despite the broad information and educational campaign conducted by the state in terms of explaining mobilization measures, there have been more frequent cases of dissemination of distorted and unverified information aimed at inciting and destabilizing the socio-political situation within the country, whipping up social sentiments among the population and, as a result, disrupting the mobilization of Ukrainian citizens into the ranks of the Ukrainian Defense Forces,” the statement says.

The Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remind that any distortions and manipulative interpretations of the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine regarding mobilization measures or the dissemination of false (compromising) information aimed at undermining the security measures of the state as a whole, the provision of any value judgments without clear argumentation and reliable facts and their dissemination through various channels (especially Internet media) with a selfish purpose (intent) serve only one single purpose – to undermine public confidence in state institutions and the defense forces of Ukraine as a whole.

Russian propaganda has stepped up efforts to disrupt mobilization in Ukraine – Center for Countering Disinformation

It is noted that by the Law of Ukraine of April 8, 2014 No. 1183-VII “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine” Chapter 1 of the Special Part “Crimes against the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine” was supplemented by Article 114-1 “Obstruction of the Lawful Activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Other Military Formations”.

According to it, competent authorities may initiate criminal proceedings against such persons to protect the lawful activities of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and the safety of citizens, which is the most important task of all components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.

“Speculative actions in the information space, which consist of direct accusations of seemingly illegal actions of representatives of territorial recruitment and social support centers, will be checked by law enforcement agencies within the limits of their powers and competence. At the same time, all existing violations by the TRCs and SPs themselves do not remain without due assessment and control by the command of the Ground Forces. Each case is given a proper legal assessment with all the sanctions provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine,” the statement says. mobilization

It is also noted that in all regional centers of Ukraine without exception, effective interaction has been established between regional TRCs and SPs and representatives of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine calls on citizens of Ukraine, media of all forms of ownership and affiliation, Internet bloggers – to use only official and verified information.

It is noted that all, without exception, communication structural units of the Operational Commands, units and subdivisions of the Ground Forces, TCC and SP worked, are working and will work in 24/7 mode for the sake of proper information support and feedback and for the common Victory.

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