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The Kremlin has passed the order to withdraw ZSU from the Kursk region, – Dzherela

The Kremlin has set a new deadline for its members: until 1st 2025 – regaining full control over the Kursk skoyu region. They didn’t reach the 15th yet.

The process can be found in the materials of RBC-Ukraine “Russia is advancing near the Kursk region and in Donbass. This is a risk for the collapse of the front for the ZSU.”

Behind the data has been seen by the Defense Forces, in addition, before February 25th, it is planned to create a so-called buffer zone along the other border – on the territories of Ukraine.

As indicated in the materials, according to Moscow’s forward plans, knock out the enemy ZSU to the middle of the road – They didn’t get there anymore, but, however, they still managed to achieve some tactical successes there in the last couple of years.

Infection, according to data, Moscow accumulated for the liberation of the Kursk region for over 40 thousand h veysk. Ситуація там насправді дуже динамічна, а населені пункти можуть переходити “з рук у руки” протягом доби.

Оборона ЗСУ наразі не обвалена, однак і шанси на подальше розширення Україною курського плацдарму теж можна розглядати як відносно низькі, йдеться in the material.

According to RBC-Ukraine, in Serpna, Volodymyr Putin ordered his military forces to withdraw the Ukrainian military from the Kursk region until the 1st day, and not to withdraw forces from key lyankas on Donbass.

In the spring it was reported that Russia had amassed 37 thousand soldiers in the Kursk region, and the Russian government had assigned military forces until the 15th of the ZSU regime.

Guess what, the ZSU rose started an operation in Kursk area 6 sickle. As the head commander of the ZSU Oleksandr Sirsky informed, on September 27, 1,300 square kilometers and 100 settlements were taken under control. Then the Russians captured part of the territory.

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