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The US announced a new package of sanctions against Russia

The administration of US President Joe Biden is preparing a new package of sanctions against Russia. Вони будуть спрямовані на обмеження товарів військового призначення.

Про це заявила міністр фінансів США Джанет Йеллен, передає РБК-Україна з посиланням на Bloomberg.

“США оприлюднять нові жорсткі санкції, спрямовані проти those who are in control of the Kremlin’s military machine, including intermediaries in third countries, who will supply Russia with critically important resources for its army,” Yellen said.

Behind her words, there will be sanctions already deafened by the coming year. They will remain at the bottom of approaches aimed at combating trade in critically important technologies, which the Russian military fought during the invasion of Ukraine.

Vona noted that exports are and such goods of secondary importance directly to Russia, aka Russians began to buy them from third countries. The sanctions are being delivered through India, Malaysia and Thailand.

As it is known, sanctions will be aimed at mediators in the countries, which raises concerns. The United States will also make additional moves aimed at the Russian energy sector and banks.

US sanctions against Russia

The United States has expanded sanctions against Russia, affecting the defense and metallurgical complexes, as well as no goods of special purpose.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance and the US Department of State have introduced a new package of sanctions, which directly affects 400 individuals and legal entities in Russia, and beyond, in Asia and Europe. There are concerns about Russian metal products.

And the United States has expanded sanctions against the Russian Federation, they are concerned about virtual financial transactions.

Terms and importance Read information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the channel RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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