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Media: In addition to the US and Germany, Ukraine's path to NATO is blocked by 5 more countries

Three states “doubt and hide behind the backs of others.”

Politico, citing its own sources in the US and NATO leadership, claims that the United States and Germany are not the only members of the Alliance that are skeptical about the idea of ​​​​immediately inviting Ukraine.

In addition to key allies that occupy leading positions in terms of military aid to our country, NATO has at least five more states that are not ready to facilitate the implementation of the first point of the Victory Plan presented by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Two of them are quite obvious – these are Slovakia and Hungary, whose populist governments adhere to a pro-Kremlin course and openly say that they will prevent Kyiv from moving towards membership in the Alliance.

Three more, as Politico's interlocutors say, “have doubts and are hiding behind the backs of the United States and Germany.” We are talking about Belgium, Slovenia and Spain. Their leaders “allegedly support the idea while it has abstract outlines, but will begin to resist more and more when the invitation becomes a more concrete prospect.”

This position contrasts sharply with the Baltic states and Poland, which are the biggest supporters of Ukraine's membership.

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