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Kharkov’s bulges sank through the Russian shelling: what do we know about the inheritance?

On the evening of the 28th, Kharkov was in the throes of a Russian military attack . Before this, there was talk about the threat of hostile airstrikes in a similar direction.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with a message to the Kharkov mayor, Igor Terekhov.

Vibukhi in the area have been destroyed close to 02.13. It was a kilka.

Under this measure, Kharkov was ahead of a possible repeat attack from the side of the Russian occupiers.

“A number of vibukhs have sunk in Kharkov. Be careful – there may be repeated shelling,” reads Terekhov’s publication on Telegram.

In addition, the meshkans of Kharkov are asked not to deprive them of their secrecy until the end of the battle real anxiety.

“Vibuhi in Kharkov! Get rid of your clothes!” – wrote the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleg Sinegubov on the Telegram channel.

Previously, not long ago, the Ukrainian ZSU military forces reported the presence of Russian tactical aviation activity at the gathering, and announced the threat of airstrikes for the front-line areas.

Updated: the enemy got the top from the rich man and began to burn

As Igor Terekhov learned from the latest measures, according to the latest information, in the Kholodgirsk region there is a destruction of a 9-surface housing unit, and “there will be frequent destruction there.”

“Information about the victims is being clarified there. All emergency services are working at the scene,” – reported.

Updated: the investigation has clarified, including the victims

The later head of Kharkiv O VA Oleg Sinegubov rosepov, what happened in Kharkov there was a series of living conditions

So, in the Kholodnogirsk district of the city, due to the Russian shelling, the walls of the upper surfaces and the slope of the window were damaged.

“There was a fire in a large apartment building,” the official informed.

He added that information had been found about an injured person who “having recovered from a wounded bone, was hospitalized until medical treatment.”

That The OVA official added that in Kharkov, after the Russian shelling, doctors removed 3 more animals due to an acute reaction to stress.

“In this area, there are four victims from the terrorist attack in Kharkov “, – informing the measures places about the third year of the night.

Previously it was reported that yesterday evening, the 27th, Kharkov’s jaws were oozing under the hour of a hostile air attack from the solidification of ceramic bombs (KABs). As it was reported, Russian terrorists attacked a living building near Kharkov.

Later it became clear that the number of people injured in Kharkov due to airstrikes had grown to 6 people, and there were “arrivals” in two areas of the city. There was also a video about the legacy of hostile attacks.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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