• 19/01/2025 15:30

The European Parliament was willing to confirm the candidate for the European Commissioner from Orban

Олівер Варгеї, запропонований Угорщиною на посаду комісара ЄС з охорони здоров'я та захисту тварин, I could not deny the unfavorable praise from the members of the European Parliament. Having become one of 16 commissioners

RBC-Ukraine reported this in a post on Politico.

The committee coordinators were determined to send Varhey another round of letters after three and a half years I’ll finish it in an hour What Varheya fought about women's rights, competition, animal protection and his connection with the Prime Minister of Ugric region Viktor Orban.

“We understand that the evidence given by Varhey did not really support Renew Europe, and therefore we come to the conclusion that at this stage we cannot support his candidacy,” go to the Renew press release for additional information pages.

Coordinator of the Committee for the Greater Environment, Global Health and Safety of Food Products (ENVI), Member of the European Parliament from the Green Party Sarah Mathieu added in a press release: “Commissioner Oliver Varhey has no appointments with us “overconverted”.

З 16 призначених комісарів, які пройшли слухання цього тижня, Варгеї – єдиний, хто не пройшов.

Тільки вкрай праві групи та Європейські консерватори та реформісти (ECR) проголосували за угорського кандидата, повідомили два парламентські чиновники. The Greens, Renew and Socialists and Democrats (S&D) wanted Warhey to hear other rumors that the European People's Party (EPP) was pushing for another round of letters – options on which the groups decided.

Sumn in the past < p>Warhey, who was in charge of nutrition and expansion at the European Commission warehouse, is responsible for reporting on the nutrition of members of the European Parliament until Monday. After this, the coordinators will conduct an evaluation for each other, after which they will need to get two-thirds of the votes. Since they can neither inspire nor praise him, the voting will go to all committees, de Vargey will need simple praise.

Varheya had problems from the very beginning: many members of the European Parliament said that there was little chance of getting the two-thirds of votes necessary for acceptance.

The Ugrian faced criticism through his loyalty to the Ugric Orban and nothing to do with the members of the European Parliament – calling them “idiots” in the incident of the past fate. Lawmakers also sent to the police to investigate the health policy.

Under the hour, Varheya has become aware of numerous critical issues in support of her position on women’s rights and abortion rights. He has repeatedly stated that he is an “ally” of women, while abortions are within the competence of the EU.

“I am deeply upset, having felt, as a potential commissioner for health protection, that abortion is not medical nutrition” , said member of the European Parliament from the Green Party Mathieu. “Vin does not seem to be aware of the fact that an incurable number of women die through those who are encouraged to have access to reproductive and sexual health services.”

Just before the hearings, the head of the commission Ursula von der Leyen clashed with the head of the Socialist and Democratic Party Iraq Garcia, the head of the center-right European People's Party (EPP) Manfred Weber and The official representative of the EU confirmed the official representative of the EU.

The official stated , what should you do to fill the bags of “accurate rumors”.

It is also rumored that Renew floated the idea of ​​​​relieving Varheya of the new importance of Commissioner for health protection. “Vargey, who is simply concerned about the nutrition of vaccines and reproductive rights, does not reject support from the side of Renew,” said the high-ranking member of Renew.

According to the words of those present in the hall, the deputy of the European Parliament, the deputy of the parliamentarian, did not discuss this idea in the meeting Xia.

Members of the European Parliament will need to make additional changes to the evaluation sheet that von der Leyen will receive after assessing Varhey's performance on supplementary nutrition and praising the residual рішення щодо його кандидатури.

Новий склад Єврокомісії

Нагадаємо, цього літа відбулися вибори до Європарламенту, після яких відбулося оновлення керівництва ключових європейських інституцій. Zokrema, Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected to put the head of the European Commission on another term.

In the spring, the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced the new warehouse of the European Commission with 27 members – by one of the countries of the EU.

Hearings about candidates for European Commissioners will take place from 4 to 12 November. The new European Commission will, most likely, begin to process no sooner than the cob. And if the European Parliament selects a low number of candidates for commissioners, then this term will disappear to this day.

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