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Deadly accident near the Dnieper: police are trying to find the water that caused the accident

Last week in the evening, in the city of Dnipro, there was a fatal accident. As a result of the accident, a 10-year-old girl died and also injured.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this via a post to the official web portal of the National Police of Ukraine.

Behind the data Law enforcement officers, a car accident occurred at 19:45 in the area of ​​Naberezhnaya Zavodska Street. It was previously established that the driver of the BMW car, which was part of the huge transport “Children's Plant”, allowed a collision with the Ford car, which involved a U-turn maneuver.

As a result of the accident 10-Richna the passenger of the Ford car died in the accident. The driver of the Ford car and three other passengers, including two young children, suffered physical injuries. They were hospitalized until the hospital.

The law enforcement authorities washed their hands with water in the order of Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine.

“Following this fact, there is a clear criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 286 (violation of road safety rules or the operation of transport by persons who are in charge of transport personnel) Criminal Code of Ukraine. A pre-trial investigation has been initiated,” says the informant.

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