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Tomorrow in Ukraine no precipitation, temperature up to +6

Fog at night and in the morning in Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia.

Forecasters predict cloudy weather with clearings tomorrow, December 2 in Ukraine.

This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

No significant precipitation.

Fog in Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia at night and in the morning.

The wind is mainly south-east, 3-8 m/s.

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Temperatures at night and during the day from 3° below zero to 2° above zero; in the west and south of the country during the day 1-6° above zero.

In the Kyiv region, the temperature during the day from 2° above zero to 3° below zero. In Kyiv at night 0-2° below zero, during the day 0-2° above zero.

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