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The Russians again shot a group of Ukrainian captives

The Russian military again shot a group of Ukrainian prisoners. The occupiers destroyed the lives of five civilians.

About this write RBC-Ukraine with the request for the application of the Supreme Supreme Commander for Human Rights Dmitry Lubints.

“110 OMBR named after Coronet General Mark The handleless expanded video of the evil evil of the Russians – the shooting of soldiers who had surrendered completely,” he said.

From the video, following the words of Lubints, it is clear that Russian soldiers shot five Ukrainian captives.

“I will tell you about this fact to the UN and ICCH. Russian military villains who shoot down the Ukrainian military forces may appear before an international tribunal and suffer the worst punishment, handed down by law!” – calling the ombudsman.

The news is being updated…

Read the terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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