• 06/02/2025 21:33

Good night or good night: how to write together or separately, spelling in Ukrainian

The Ukrainian language has many variants of greetings and wishes that are used depending on the situation, writes the Industrial Zaporizhzhia website. One of the most frequent questions is how to write: добранич or надобранич correctly, and is there a difference between these forms? Let's analyze this in detail.

Spelling: together or separately

  1. Добранич
    This word is spelled togetherand is the only correct form for a polite wish for a good night. Formed from the abbreviation of the phrase “Good night” and later became an independent word.Example:
    • Good night, have a good night!
  2. Good night
    Although this word is used in colloquial speech, it is a stylistically colored and less formal version of the wish for a good night.
    According to the spelling norms, good night is also spelled together, since it is a wish formed by merging the particle “on” with the word “good night”. Example:
    • Good night, friends, see you tomorrow!

Is there a difference between “good night” and “good night”?

  1. Good night— is a classic and neutral wish for a good night's sleep. It can be used in any situation, both formal and informal.
    For example:
    • Good night, Mrs. Olena!
  2. Good night is a more colloquial, friendly form. It is used mostly in informal communication between friends or loved ones. It may sound warm and casual, but it is not recommended to use it in a formal context.
    For example:
    • Good night, see you tomorrow!

Read also dreamed or dreamed how to write together or separately, spelling in Ukrainian.

Common mistakes

  1. Separate spelling:
    ❌ “Good night” is a form that is used only in the full phrase, for example: “I wish you a good night.” For the abbreviated version, only the word good night is used.
    ❌ “Good night” is a separate spelling that does not comply with spelling standards.
  2. Replacing one word with another:
    Using “good night” instead of “good night” in a formal situation can be perceived as inappropriate or too colloquial.

How to remember the correct usage?

  • Good night is a universal wish that is always appropriate and is written together.
  • Good night— a friendly greeting, also written together, but used only in informal communication.

Examples of usage

  • Good night:
    • Good night, may you have pleasant dreams.
    • Good night everyone, see you tomorrow!
  • Good night:
    • Good night, friend, have a good sleep!
    • After a long day, I want to wish everyone good night.

Both forms, good night and good night, are correct and are written together. However, their usage depends on the context: добранчич is suitable for any situation, including formal ones, while надобранчич is best used in friendly and informal communication. Knowing these nuances will help you avoid language errors and make your communication more accurate and pleasant.

Read also how to correctly write ішкивник or ішкинь in Ukrainian.


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