• 06/02/2025 21:22

In a dream or out of a dream: how to write together or separately?

The Ukrainian language has its own peculiarities in the use of prepositions, which sometimes causes difficulties even for experienced speakers, writes the Industrial Zaporozhye website. One of the most common questions is the correct spelling and use of the phrase: уви сни, у ви сни or увесни. Which is correct? Let's figure it out.

Correct form: уви сни

The only correct form in the Ukrainian language is уви сни. This is a stable expression that means “during sleep” or “in a state of sleep.” The writing is based on the rules of harmony of the Ukrainian language, which regulate the choice between the prepositions “у” and “в”.

Why exactly “уви сни”?

  1. The harmony of the language:
    • In Ukrainian, the use of the prepositions “у” or “в” depends on the phonetic context. The form уви сни is chosen due to its melodiousness:
      • The preposition у is supplemented with the particle ви before the word сни to avoid the difficult-to-pronounce coincidence of vowels or consonants.
  2. Fixation in the linguistic tradition:
    • The phrase уви сниis a well-established expression found in fiction, official texts, and everyday language. It is fixed in dictionaries and is normative.

The opinion of linguist Oleksandr Avramenko

The well-known Ukrainian linguist Oleksandr Avramenko emphasizes the correct use of the word “to appear” in his express lessons. He notes that “to appear” means “to appear,” that is, to come, to arrive somewhere, and gives an example: “The devil may appear in a dream.”

This confirms the normativeness and correctness of the use of the form “in a dream” in the Ukrainian language.

Read also how to correctly say and write good night or good night.

Why is it incorrect to say “in a dream” or “in a dream”?

  1. In a dream:
    • This is an erroneous option that arises due to the incorrect division of the word “in a dream” into parts.
    • The preposition and the additional particle inshould be written together, because it is a complete form.
  2. Uvisni:
    • Although this option sounds similar, it is also incorrect. The word uvisni does not exist in the Ukrainian language. The form uvi сни remains the only correct one.

Examples of correct usage

  • I dreamed this plot in a dream.
  • In my dream, I saw a place that reminded me of my childhood.
  • I often get interesting ideas in my dreams.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

  1. Separate spelling:
    • ❌ “U ви сни” is an incorrect option, because “уви” is written together as a prepositional construction.
  2. Using forms with Russianisms:
    • ❌ “Во сне” or “увесни” are calques or derivatives from other languages ​​that do not meet the norms of the Ukrainian language.
  3. Incorrect stress:
    • In the word сне, the stress falls on the vowel “и”, which is important for correct pronunciation.

How to remember?

  • Remember the expression “уви сне” as a stable phrase that means “during sleep”.
  • The particle “ви” is used to ensure harmony between “у” and a word that begins with a consonant.

The correct form of writing and usage is уви сне. This expression is part of the normative Ukrainian language and complies with the rules of melodicity. All other options, such as u vi snі or uvesnі, are incorrect and are not used. To avoid mistakes, always pay attention to the phonetic context and stable linguistic traditions.

Read also good evening or good evening: how to speak Ukrainian correctly?


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