• 13/02/2025 14:24

Curses in Polish: the most common words and phrases with translation

The Polish language, like other Slavic languages, has a rich set of swear words and expressions that are often used to emotionally color the language. These words can be useful for understanding everyday Polish, but their use requires caution, writes the Industrial Zaporizhzhia website. We have already written about the most popular swear words in German, and today in this article we will consider the most common Polish swear words and their meanings.

The most common Polish swear words

Polish swear words can be both rude and relatively “soft”. Here are some of the most famous:

  1. Kurwa – The most universal swear word, meaning “whore”. Can be used as an exclamation, insult, or emotional intensification.
  2. Chuj– “F*ck”. A very rude word used to insult or express strong irritation.
  3. Pierdolić – “Fuck”. Used in the meanings of “talk nonsense”, “do stupid things” or rudely in a sexual context.
  4. Gówno – “Shit”. Used to describe something unnecessary or bad.
  5. Skurwysyn – “Son of a bitch”. A very rude insult.
  6. Ciota – “Rag” or “weak”. Used to mock male weakness.
  7. Dupek – “Fool” or “goat”.
  8. Zajebiście – Vulgar intensification, meaning “very cool”.
  9. Pieprzony – “Damn” or “fucked”.
  10. Burak – “Ham” or “rough”.

Popular swear words in Polish

In colloquial speech, Poles often use phrases that help express emotions. Here are some of them:

  1. Co do kurwy nędzy? – “What the hell?”
  2. Pierdol się! – “Fuck off!”
  3. Spierdalaj! – “Get out of here!”
  4. Nie pierdol! – “Don't be such a fool!”
  5. Jebany idiota! – “Fucking idiot!”
  6. Gówno mnie to obchodzi! – “Me na nachátí!”
  7. Skurwysynu, co ty robisz? – “Skinny son of a bitch, what are you doing?”
  8. Ty pieprzona cioto! – “Ty fukbany rag!”
  9. Chuja z tego będzie! – “Sz niebytě!”
  10. Masz w dupie? – “Toby nachátí?”

Table of the most common Polish words and their meanings

Polish word Ukrainian translation Level rudeness
Kurwa Kurva Tall
Chuj Dick Tall
Pie rdolić Fuck off High
Gówno Shit Medium
Skurwysyn Sukyn son Tall
Ciota Rag Medium
Dupek Goat, fool Low
Zajebiście Very cool Medium
Pieprzony Damn, fucking Medium
Burak Ham, rude Low

How to use Polish swear words correctly

  1. With caution: Avoid using rude words in formal or professional situations.
  2. Context: Using swear words may be acceptable among friends, but only if it is perceived as a joke.
  3. Respect: Offensive words towards strangers can provoke conflicts.

Knowing Polish swear words and phrases will help you better understand everyday language, but using them requires caution. Politeness always remains the best strategy in communication.

Read also why Zelensky swears.


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