• 15/02/2025 08:58

At least, or at least: how to write correctly in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian language is rich in words that can cause confusion due to similar sounding or spelling errors, writes the Industrial Zaporizhzhia website. One of such questions is: what is the correct way to say: прынайми or прынаймни? Let's figure it out, based on the norms of Ukrainian spelling.

Correct form: at least

The only correct form in the Ukrainian language is прынаймни. This is an adverb that means “at least”, “at least” or “in any case”. The spelling is based on linguistic tradition, recorded in dictionaries and spelling rules.

The form прынаймі is incorrect and arises due to an erroneous calque from oral speech, where the correct sound of the word is distorted.

What does “прынаймі” mean?

The adverb прынаймі is used to clarify or express a minimum requirement or condition. This word helps to emphasize that even in the least favorable conditions, something must happen or be accomplished.

Examples of meaning:

1. At least:

• He should at least try.

2. At least:

• At least say what you need.

3. In any case:

• At least we did our best.

Common mistakes and their causes

1. Writing “at least”:

• This variant arises because in oral speech the word is often softened. However, such spelling does not correspond to the norms of the Ukrainian language.

2. Distorted pronunciation:

• The lack of emphasis on correct pronunciation in colloquial speech can lead to incorrect spelling.

3. Calculation from other languages:

• Sometimes the word прынайми appears due to the influence of dialects or the Russian language, which does not correspond to the Ukrainian spelling tradition.

Examples of correct usage

• We meet up with friends at least once a month.

• I hope you understand that at least.

• At least he tried to correct his mistake.

How to remember the correct form?

1. Sound logic:

• The form at least has a clear ending -ni, which corresponds to the adverbial nature of this word.

2. Comparison with other words:

• Similar words with a similar meaning, for example, at least, also have the ending -ni.

3. Assortment of examples:

• Read and use the word прынаймни in texts to get used to its correct spelling.

What does Avramenko say?

The famous linguist Oleksandr Avramenko emphasizes that erroneous forms like прынаймни are examples of surzhyk, which should be actively eradicated from everyday speech. In his lessons, Avramenko advises always to consult dictionaries to avoid such errors.

The only correct form is прынаймни. This word is an important element of the Ukrainian language, which helps to accurately express minimal requirements or clarify an idea. Using the incorrect form at least is a linguistic error that violates spelling rules. So remember: at least is correct, at least is not!

Also read how to write correctly in a dream or in a dream.


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