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Through a blow to the point of management of the Russian Federation, 20 OFICERIV, Zelensky, were perished at the Kurzkye Coveti

Ukrainian vіchaskovі was a control point in a curses sti 3 fierce. Piacantes arrogant the great sredcersky warehouse fork.

about Tsim RBK-Ukrainian, to the INTERVA'y Reuters President Volodimir Zelentsky. , Yak 2.5 km pass, ours hit the control point on Kurshchini, ” – Rozoviv VIN.

behind the president’s words, Bagato Ofіtsev was lit up there. Drying OFITSIV. Dodomo, the Ukrainian Viezkiyskovi, the attack on the tsoma of Zelensky, the ZSU spun, Vliba was 2.5 kolometer to the region. Also, the new assault on the Tsoma is in the same way. The ZSU was in the same Chergo, the tie-tie-ovikovyh of the Russian Federation was difficult for the Dandr.

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