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Name or patronymic in patronymic: how to write in Ukrainian?

In the Ukrainian language there are established word combinations, which can be a dash, especially in the Ukrainian language. One of the common questions is how right: name ’ I'm patronymic or name ’ I am a patronymic ? Let's figure out which form is normative and which is a mistake.

The only correct option is “ im ’ I'm patronymic ” , and this expression is written without a hyphen .

This phrase consists of:

why “ im ’ I am a patronymic ” -Is it a mistake? -Menal structures (where there are “ on ”) Not written through a hyphen .

all such designs are always written separately:

  • in essence,
  • if possible,

  • in truth,
  • patronymic.

In addition, the current Ukrainian spelling 2019 The year confirms that the phrase “ patronymic ” remains a constant expression and his dice writing is a mistake.What does “ im ’ I'm patronymic ”? Used to refer to a full name of a person who includes name ’ I, patronymic and last name. In official documents patronymic used as a mandatory element of identification. “>

  • Please write down your name ’ I'm patronymic and date of birth.Im ’ I'm patronymic
  • a student.

  • Specify name ’ I'm patronymic in a registration form.
  • how to memorize ’ to yelp the correct form? #8220; on ” It is always written separately from the noun.

  • if you can substitute synonymous “ patronymic ” And the meaning does not change then the hyphen is not needed.
  • No normative source of Ukrainian language confirms the option “ Patient ”. them to avoid

    write your IM ’ I am a patronymic. (wrong) to the father. > (Correctly)

    The only correct spelling is “ Im ’ I'm patronymic ” (separately, without a hyphen). The “ Patute ” is false and does not meet the standards of Ukrainian spelling. To avoid errors, always remember that the prefixed is officially recognized and regulatory.

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