Tigeri at єvropi MITENENS Zustychi, on the Yaki will be auntary of the Donald's ministry Trump. NUBISHI of the American is member of the Plan Complete the Veini in Ukrainian, I wanted the Zagalny Bachenni of a peaceful process.
Yak Ukrainian Ta that Kerivnitsyk Sukatima Contact Iz by the Trump command-Read the MaterIALI RBC-Ukraine.
USA – єvrop
Activity of the United States, Ukrainians are the end of the end to the novelty.
Shche in the front of the Trump RBC-Ukrainian, SCO in the yogo team of considerable Bachenny, Yak Concluded Viyn. The radicals of the US President were ahead of us, the situation in Ukrainian є Nabhatato fold, NIZh, a prior, hobbled the same sector of gas. KRIM TO, Ukrainian TO TOMETHETHETTHENTTO GUART SUBLICTION.
Є Lishhi is the drilling contouric: frozen fighting ae -tie that is the membership of Ukraine in NATO. Minoi Tizhnya Bloomberg gave the teenage to the tsyogo Shchelka: for Daniye agencies, the plan of the plan to be frozen conflict, flooded with the stratified status of the stratified guarantee nonsense, yaki to zero non -muddy new attacks of the Moscow v.
at once, they were actively contacting the mija bilshistu Storin, so the chrugs of the back of Vіin.
Ukrainian – USA
DIALOGS MIZHAZHAYA TO command of Trump RIZKO Acted with a fierce of the fierce.
The head of the president of Ukrainian Andriy rymak Mav Klumen Rozmov iz Radnik Trump Ziional Bezpeki Mikek Wolf. The guides discussed the situation in half the battle, overdoled the mobiliza tuhloviki for Ukrainian.
This is the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, the special representative of the US President President Kodo Kodo Khotu Kollogo Keit Kellogo Kellogo Kellogi. Yogo Vizit in Kyiva to be in the 20th of the fierce. And Donald Trump himself, saying about the can Zustych Iz Zelensky Tzheogo Tizhny-Zgoda at the banking Voddomili, the same thing about contacting the RIVNI teams.
Ukrainian Kerivnitroy will hide the grace for pragmatism of Trump. The President of the United States 3 fiercely huddled the corpuscles of the Ridk earth in Ukrainian. Їh bow critically important for the bosoco technologists of the US Gallusian. Under Tsomom, Nazhov Levov is often svitovikh, control of China – the head supernote states at SVITI, to Trump's dumka.
with Vidpovіd Zelensky, requesting the American compani to go to Ukraine.
“Choma? To the same, the jack -bode all pir, the control of the іnshi of the region, Inshi compani. Bezpo -style, I am in rudders, і ise, і pivniychna Korea,” – pushing Zelensky.
Ukrainian Kerivnitroy was the same by the purely voiced by the INSHII: INvestwati in Ukrainian Aeski of his gases for American gas, and the Toshvropi Toshcho could be supplied. Mayzhe VSI Tsi Ida Rozrahovani for DOVSU Preight. Realizuvati Shvidshe is able to positziyu ogdo of Ukrainian gas monks.
About the same can have been able to have been a long time, the pierces of the American-shaped gas in єvropa were finished in the first time, saying to RBC-Ukrainian President of the Globalist XXI Globalist Mikhailo Gonchar.
Trump Prishov at 2017 Rotsі, who was at the Terminals in the Ninerlands I in Polish. /p>
Behind the yogo words, the splax іntrases to Ukrainian shoes Buv in 2020 Rotsі Kolya was pumped in them 10 magliards kubometer with gas at the mantle mail – 31 mialard. Togo, having passed the Chinnik, the thirteen -naval stroke in the Enertitical Infrastructure in the seven vipads strokes the namesake of the Pidemsky Zberianny Gaza Gazovidobuvannya.
VTIM, CHOS OF SPOPOSICH.Putin is still not to Trump, the uzhzhka. And ymovirno, th bi. Point of contact of the USA USA that is enough. Read the nesting nuclear of the nuclear Chi Kiberbezpeki to the plugs of the rosy on the іrani that is Korea. Shto all Tsich Polen DIALOL ROSIAI of the USA for a long time, Ale PID Hour of Pershey Trump Trump VIN, Hodbuvyuvyvyov Govavo. Graduate, not Varto forget about the Chinnik China.
Trump Kilka Divyv Pіd Zvorzhuvav, pusmovy to pass “Kind the good”, so the Yak Zh Ukraine. 9 Fierce President of the United States PIDARDIV, SCHO in the Noy Bula Specialist of the telephone of Rosmov with the Rosieki dictator. Takozh’s plans in the plans to screech with a guide. Behind Danami Reuters, the era of the Rosіyskіki officials were unchildily viddvydiyvsku Arabesi Arabici Yak Yak Milivi Maidanchiki for Zustychy Trump Putіnim. One, not a fact, a putin of hungering on a slot of ryshennya.
“На цьому етапі ми не бачимо, що Росія серйозно ставиться до переговорів і серйозно ставиться до миру. І умови, висунуті Путіним минулого року, не були жодною підставою, на якій можна було серйозно очікувати, що суверенна країна почне переговори”, – зазначив міністр The law enforcement agencies of the great British girl Lemmi at the presentment of Kiwi 5 Lyut. Behind the words of Zelensky, the plan of the core-agresor Zi Zbilhennya of his Army, they do not want to be about those, the world does not want to the world.
Abandoned by Rosіїi є hour, I can for the crushing of Viyni. Yak was written by RBC-Ukrainian, Ekononka of the Russian Federation was overwhelmed by VIISKOVI Reiki I-Timni Shchek RIK. So on the front of Rosiyski Vіsyska is now, ale to advance.
“Rosiyska federalized on those, the maximum of Vidtyaguvati Peremovini, Abi is surprised at those, they will wake up at SVITI, SUBSKY TREP TRAP DIETS, Chi Yogo Politika Zubya I do not give up concrete results,” said you UBE channel RBC -Curler half a traffic light, analik center of the scale of the technologist RISHEN Maxim Nevvitilov.
is clearly not sinking, judging by the rhetoric of Trump, the yogo is about the non -chief of Shvidko to complete Viyn. The same President of the United States, the President of the United States with one side, huddled the cook to Putin specially, with a rudder – with Zhorstsky's venues.
USA – єvropa
Tzheogo Tizhnya at єvropi Vidbuns Kilka of the Great Miversity Supplements. Zokrema, Samit Zi Little Intelekt in Paris, Ta Munhenska Bezpekov conference. Zi -nao to be able to be a pre -prove, Ozrakhkh representing the command of Trump. Zokrema, pirziti vіziti vika-president Jay di Vincess that special representative of Ukrainian TA RF KELLLOL.
Yaksho order of the day Vincess Stoop the width coola Pole – VID trading tariffs to the roles of the Kraokan at NATO, then the KELLLOLA BODE BILSH VUZKOYA. Trump's special representative, saying that he was talking to the dumplings of the reach of the world in Ukrainian, and the specific plan of the completeness of Rosiysko-Ukrainian Buda is specially represented by Donald Trump Pіznhe Ska Bezpekova Conference Bade Bagato in a clump of zruchny in the way Zibbrati Duma LIDERIV єvropy, the yak of the stench is to fade the completeness of the VIINITY, ”-by the Commentary of RBC-Ukraine Maxim Nevvightilov.
For the єvrophya lider of the premes of Kelloglog, that Vincent Maє Nonabiyak Zyadennya. At the Batookh Capitals єvropi, they are afraid, Trump Tu Putin Vlashnut “Nova Yaltinska Conference” to the house without arrogance of the Ukrainian Ukrainian tu.
“Nyibilha hiba, yak men, to the same, the USA, in the demand to put on one doshka I aggressor, the victim of the aggressi. Slide the deformation in the plan.
SLECILLY GREAT RISIK of such a scenario – you can clear yourself closer to spring. Klynov, Zavdannya Ukrainian Vlad – Knothelizati with the realization of the principle of “nіchoy about Ukraine without Ukrainian” і nadali.
at the mother of the US President Donald Trump, the president of Ukrainian Volodimir Zelensky, the British British British, Politico, New York Post, Vicorist what is the rice of Maxim Nevvitailov The President of the Globalism Center “Strategic XXI” Mikhail Gonchara.