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Why does the nipple itch: the main causes and ways to eliminate discomfort

Itchy nipples is a fairly common phenomenon that can have both harmless and more serious causes. Sometimes it is simply a reaction to an irritant, and in some cases it is a symptom of skin or internal organ diseases, writes the Industrial Zaporozhye website. In this article, we will consider the main reasons why nipples itch and ways to eliminate it.

Physiological causes of itching

Sometimes itching is caused by natural factors that do not pose a serious threat to health. These include:

Dermatological diseases

If itching does not disappear, but on the contrary, intensifies, this may be a sign of skin diseases. The main ones are:

Infectious causes of itching

Some infectious diseases can also cause discomfort in the nipple area:

Internal diseases

In rare cases, itchy nipples can be associated with serious internal problems:

If only one nipple itches

Itching in one nipple can be caused by both harmless and serious reasons. If the irritation is observed only on one side, this may indicate local factors, such as rubbing with clothing, an insect bite or an allergic reaction. However, if the itching is accompanied by redness, cracks, discharge or a change in the shape of the nipple, this may be a symptom of skin diseases, infection or even an oncological process, for example, Paget's disease. In this case, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

How to get rid of itching?

If itching is caused by minor factors, you can eliminate it yourself:

Possible causes of itchy nipples

Cause Main symptoms How to treat
Dry skin Peeling, redness Using moisturizers
Allergies Redness, rash Eliminating allergens, taking antihistamines
Fungus Whisky coating, cracks Antifungal creams
Eczema Blisters, peeling Special ointments, avoiding triggers
Diabetes Dry skin Controlling blood sugar levels
Paget's disease Peeling, cracks Urgent consultation with a doctor

When should you see a doctor?

If itching is accompanied by discharge, cracks, severe redness or does not go away within several weeks, you should consult a specialist. This will help to avoid complications and detect possible serious diseases in time.

Skin health largely depends on care, lifestyle and attentiveness to the body's signals. If the problem does not disappear – do not delay a visit to the doctor!

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