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Dolir Course to Snake Traffic: Bankira Rozpovyv about the Situzia Situzia on Rink

TIZHNIA (17-23 fiercely) situations on foreign currency rinks To be deprived of a vice spockey, to finish the forecast . Varto Ochіkuvati, the course of the course collatter in the corridor 41.8-42.2 UAH/Dolar.

about the Commentary RBC-Ukrainian, saying the head of the Treasury Globus Bank.

“Tsikavinko Rink Stan Zhnznitsi Mizhi, with courses of Mizhbanka Tu, Ta Gotyvkovo Mayzha, until zero zakksya, before the gotivkovi course can be guided by the lower ones for the Mizhbankivski,” said Vin.

On the yogo duma, the lace is not the deprivation of the course of the Stabynosti, and the Balance of the IP POSOSISI, the vicclican with positive Ekonomic environment Zhivatim Encourants of the course of the course of the course (nasam -item of mova yd about the currency of the іnterevent). єSOSOVY.

Forecast to the course

Yak Higher the Bankir, the main characteristics of the currency rink of the offensive Tizhny will be as follows:

“Ekononiki Chinniki do not deduct a dummy on a rink. Water to the singer of the bunny, the vininka on the gothic rink through, Primir, the name of the name of the Kodo Piddrimki, is completed by the end Odled chaos ., It is unlikely that he is to know the actively enormous people, nasam -shit on the Gothic Rink, ” – by the LECOSOVIA. up to 41.62. The course of the spin on the ears of Tizhnya is up to 41.79 UAH/Dolar Ale at the other Rolovini Trochi. Gotivki course of vi-rayed

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