Do you feel blurred and weak in the morning? Are you worried about mobility or laziness problems? A short but very effective charging will help you cope with these problems, which will take only five minutes, but will give a feeling of cheerfulness all day. According to IZ with reference to eatthis, instead of staying in bed or spending time for long workouts, try this simple routine with 5 exercises. They will wake your body, activate all the important muscles and help you feel much better.
Start with squats that warm up your legs and back of your body. They strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. After that, move to the push -ups with motion back, which additionally activate the shoulders and pectoral muscles. To maintain a high pace, continue with knee lifts that help strengthen the press and improve the balance. Inclusion of a strap with shoulders touching this routine will add load on the corner and shoulders, which is very useful for overall endurance. Complete the workout with the opposite, which is ideal for training of the legs and buttocks, do not overload your knees. All you need is only 5 minutes a day. Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. When you finish the first round, you will already feel the first results: endurance will increase, move mobility, and your body will be ready for all the tasks of this day. And do not forget that even short workouts can help maintain their shape and health at a high level. Training without complex exercises and equipment is simple, fast and affordable. With this morning routine you will be able to get rid of fatigue and strengthen your body. This is a step to a healthy lifestyle that does not take a lot of time but will give great results.