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The iodine taste in the mouth: causes, symptoms, consequences and when to see a doctor

iodine iodine in the mouth-a very rare phenomenon, which can be as a harmful. Often, this symptom is associated with high levels of iodine in the body, but the causes can be varied: from eating habits to disorders of the endocrine system, the industrialist writes. In this article, we will look at the possible causes of iodine taste, its potential consequences and situations where you should consult a doctor.

The main causes of iodine taste in the mouth

The taste of iodine can be caused by a number of physiological and pathological factors. Below we look at the most common ones. Excessive consumption of iodine with food or additives

iodine is a necessary trace element for the normal functioning of the body, especially for the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is contained in products such as:

Excessive consumption It is manifested by the appearance of a characteristic taste. Iodism – chronic iodine poisoning

If iodine intake into the body is much higher than the norm (more than 1100 mcg per day for adults), a condition known as iodism can develop. Its symptoms include:

In such cases, consult a doctor immediately. Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, menopause or hormonal changes in adolescence, it is possible to disrupt the perception of taste, which is sometimes manifested by the feeling of iodine in the mouth. /02/1BA8FBBB454545C3AB2D75FB299628120F1.PNG “/>

  • iodine taste is stored for more than 3-5 days for no obvious reason;
  • there are other symptoms: increased heartbeat, weakness, weight loss or skin problems;
  • an allergic reaction or shortness of breath;
  • gastrointestinal disorders. = “WP-BLOCK-HEADING”
  • blood test for iodine – determines the concentration of this element in the body. glands.
  • thyroid ultrasound – helps to identify structural changes in the organ.
  • Fibrogastroscopy (FGDS) -for diagnosis of gastrointestinal problems.

How to eliminate iodine taste? In the case of treatment pathologies will depend on the basic diagnosis. li> follow the recommendations of the endocrinologist in the treatment of thyroid disease.

the taste of iodine in the mouth can be caused by both harmless causes (diet, hormonal changes), and serious disorders such as thyrotoxicosis or poisoning. If the symptom is not disappeared or accompanied by other health disorders, it is important to consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

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