About the announcement of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, RBC-UKRYANA RBC for Yogo Interev'yu nbc News.
Zelensky pіd Hour of izhotv'yu Rozoviv about the can for the pleasure of the USA that to the Ukrainians of the RidkiRosemelny Mіnerliv cake of the Country.
“Mi glance, Importo America, Yaki Ridkіsnі, Scho America izporta for their proofs. I Kolya took titanium – Titan – MiMo, Shto Titan in Ukraine є, I Tsy – Tso -Tsoya Vistachi. At 40 Rock, ”said the president.
Adminiystsya Trump Visali Visali about those, the USA detonated 50% of RidkiRoselniykh, Ukrainian in the head to Vіskovov, Dopomoga, Yaki Nadudi Tudi Z 2022 Rock. Ale Zelensky Chitko, having said, be the uaka, the yak to stoop Ukrainian brown Kopalin, is guaranteed to be sorumitates of the guarantees of the nonsense of the United States.
“To finish us to stand it, I at once on the Tsoma is in the groom … we can’t let us guarantee the flaps of the states of the states, I bring it, the Ekonovy Dogovir is not pryuvatima. All are a fluid,” “Ridkirezemia”
Nagadami, the USA to talk with Ukrainian for example about the strategic partnership. Її представив українській стороні міністр фінансів США Скот Бессент, який цього тижня відвідав Україну.
Як зазначалося, Україна повинна була допрацювати угоду. 14 fiercely in Ukrainian delegation at the Munich conference, the RBC-Ukrainian, the UpoProtzktovs were transmitted to the memorandum Iv “. For yogo words, Volodymyr Zelensky was pydpisuvati to please.
on the fields of the Munich conference Zelentsky, he was not ready, the process was discussed with the American side of Triva. Rosії Aggress, read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.