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Rockets for IRIS-T, artillery I NOT TILKI. Nimechina handed the Ukrainian Dupomoga package

NIMECHIA transmitted Ukrainian nova of the new party gi. Zokrema, I get about missiles for the systems of the IRIS-T I Artiller-TIRISKI installations Zuzana 2.

about the cereal of the RBC-Ukrainian, to the preservation of the unity of the Nimechini.

Uorya, Ukraine, as part of VIISKOVO DUDOMOGE NIMECHINI, condemned:

Ukrainian nimechini

​​Nigadami, vid of the hijacking nimechini visible to the pre -Ukrainian nudin Єvrop.

Zokrema, Nimechina Penalized the Woman to the Critically Neckhadniy systems of the Patriot defense defense system, Yaki can be tanned by Vorozhі Balistichni rocket. Water Syogodnі, 17 pierced, at the Minoboron Nimuchini, they said, “not to deceive” the vid rules of the peacekeeping in Ukrainian, the yak for the tsovo “Unsgraduate the Neckhodni framework”.

the terminas Read about Vіin Rosії on Ukrainian, to the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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