Ukrainian language has many pairs of words that seem synonyms but have differences in meaning and use. One of these questions is foot or foot ? What word is correct in the Ukrainian language, and can they be used interchangeably? Let's take this issue in more detail with industrial Zaporozhye. The right option is “ foot ” . This word is literary and secured in all regulatory dictionaries.
foot means:
- Part of a person's foot from five to fingers .
- the doctor examined the foot after injury.
- Orthopedic shoes support the correct position of feet .
- unit measurement unit (old measure, approximately 30 cm) .
- table length-three feet .
- Term in literary studies (metric unit of verse).
- This poem is written by a five-step iambus. > why “ foot ” – Is it a mistake? It comes from the Russian language ( “ feet ” – tracing paper with “ feet ” in Russian), but in the Ukrainian literary norm, there is no such word. Despite the fact that the word “ feet ” found in some speech and spoken language, it is not normative and is not used in official documents, scientific works or literary works. Class = “wp-block-hading”> Can I use the word “ feet ” ;?
In spoken style, some speakers can be used “ feet & #8221;, however, in writing and official communication should always be used “ Stop ” .
If you want to follow the correct language standards-use “ foot ” as the only correct option. and proper use
❌ It hurts feet after a long walk. (wrong)
Вати It hurts foot after a long walk. (right)❌ Exercise is aimed at relaxing feet . (wrong)
Вання The exercise is aimed at relaxing feet . (Correct)❌ Orthopedic insole supports the foot . (incorrectly)
Orthopedic insole supports foot . (Correct)How to remember the correct form? l> foot = norm . This word is fixed in dictionaries and is the correct option to refer to a part of the leg.
- foot = Russism . This is a non -normative Russian -language tracing paper. are “ foot ” . The word “ foot ” is false and does not meet the standards of Ukrainian spelling. To avoid errors, always use “ foot ” in the sense >
- This poem is written by a five-step iambus. > why “ foot ” – Is it a mistake? It comes from the Russian language ( “ feet ” – tracing paper with “ feet ” in Russian), but in the Ukrainian literary norm, there is no such word. Despite the fact that the word “ feet ” found in some speech and spoken language, it is not normative and is not used in official documents, scientific works or literary works. Class = “wp-block-hading”> Can I use the word “ feet ” ;?