in the Sereda, 26 fierce rumun Praising the bill on the control of the vicoristanes of the gap. The document regulatory procedures, zgiyly with the Army is the Zbivati Droni, the yaki illegally deposit at the gathers of the region.
about the cereal of RBC-Ukraine Zylannam on digi24 tu izhshі ZMI.
The bill of the Glorovl, go up to control over the vicoristani of the National Divine open spaces, and this is the Vozhno -Towed, the same, the vicorian vicorism of the dilute vicorized vicoroski of the diligent lines of the Lital Lital Aparas.
Zgіdno with a document, UAV, yaki illegally rewind the sovereign cordon Rumon, the National Divine Divine Spacious, Zemzhni, Boti is neutralized, yakshcho їkhniy half the buti “control” control ” VIISKOVIMI NATO forces.
such a rewind, the new framework of the St. Petersburg is coordinating on the RIVNI -Organov Ta Tu, the competence of the National Divary Disgraduate, and the Dotrinniy of the Dotrinniy of the Igo, Vikoristannya, heds of the pydvishenny of the nonsense of the Pold. The Rumunzky system systems mean, the law, the law is not required to capture the Palace of the deputy I wake the destinations to the president.
such a rank, the law is actually in the dumpings, the Ale formally to the decree Pilikasl Pubblekatsya.
Nagada, Kilka Tizhniv, on the Teritator Rumuni, the fragments of the Rosiysk Bezlotnitnik “geranium”. Rosiyani Vikoristov were for the attack of Ukrainian Port-to-bewood in the Odeskiye Coverey.
Terminovi that Vyne Rosyya Assistance Read to the RBC-Ukraine channel in the Telegram.