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Ukrainian Odrima 700 milioniv єvro on the ozlynnya for the rosema, – Minobornoi

Partners ” єvro for purchasing the funeral for the rosema. Koshti Planeta Nadati up to 2034 Rock.

about the cereal of RBC-Ukrainian, to the mini of the defense of Ukraine.

for the gate the Minniysteniy of the Minsky, the Finannovannia of the Zapladnanni for the rosema of the Ukrainian Zavidanni Coalitz Zakhid wounded at Vitnyusі pir to the heads of Litvi TA. The Nomom took a fate of 40 Posadovsi iz 15 Correne.

Ukrainian, by presenting the head of the head management of the inhabitant, the chief of the head of the dialsti, the civilian nonsense Ruslan Bereglya. Zbroinі Khustroyni Sil Presentation of the Forces of the Piditrima ZSU Dmitro Gerega. Takozh Buv the Mountain Representative of the Holden Special Service Transport – the Excellent Golovy Admiral DSST Maxim Komisarov. Material -technical -tech on the sum of 16.1 million єvro.Fucking, for yogo words, budget 2025 Rock for the purchase of a funeral for the rosema of Ukrainian Planning to RIVNI 130 Milioniv єvro. PID Hour Claims Participants of Vydvyu was UNSED PRIOTY SCODOVEVEL OZBRONNYA, VISHOKOVOKOKO INCHENTED FROMENTARY OF THE ROSHENNENNA on Tsi RIK. Minoboroni, the ZSU of the same forces of the nonsense of the defense of Ukrainian at Roseminovanni. For the one, behind the Lithuanian, the Ukrainian will be stimulated by the Robochi Grupi, the vivchatim’s new methodology is the service of the service of the suburban of the other in the Office Dіynosti. Zokrema, Zashed on Vikoristanni BPPA of the piece izontelect of the PID Hour of the non -metabolic monitoring.

krim Tsoyo, shore passing to the Zakhid partners of the Minoborno Klakhoynya “Road the Coalitza Coaling Office Rock “. At the new Polіngon -Boroni, they want Vyprobovati іnnovsky at Roseminovanni, Zokrema at the Basi Shi, that manage to the dosvіds with the mute partners.

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