Reigned by the PIDRISE to the double-sided pleoppers “about the ruling of the Rules of the Umoviye Foundation of Vidbudov” by the spams of America.
about the cereal of the RBC-UKRYANA RBC for the ROZALLYSHENSH VID 2025 p. No. 164-r.
Irdowing the reigning of the PIDSISS to the sake of Pershoy-Prem-prison-Ministra-Minstra Ekononiki Yulia Sviridenko abdominal reference Andriya Sibeu.
Ranish Prem'r-Minister Denis Schmigal, saying, pirisennya vіdbu, the President of the President Volodymyr Zelensky Tu Donald Trump to the Harm of the Blessing Guarantor. In the President of the President of the URAYA PIDPISHED DOGOVIR.
I pleased the USA
Nazhgadam, Kabіn will be Klakhustrav 26 fiercely hardening the text of the United States “about the regulation of the rules of the Umovye Fund of the Vidbudovs”.
Having drove Schmigal, in the pleasing of the point of the moment:
- Ukrainian United States, storage of the ilvestaniye Foundation Vidnnnnia, Yakiy, I will spiom, so spy of the URADS OF THE COMPLIAST;
- Ukrainian troops of the resources to be stolen by Ukrainian, the stench is not transmitted to the power of the United States. INSHOM.
- Ukrainian is introduced up to the fund 50% Maybutnih vid of his natural resource assesses;
- US will be a racket of offices to the fund of Vighima Koshtiv, Financosovihi, Instvstiye, and critically important for the most important thing for Wednnoe Ukrainian;
- Zibray, the Koshti INvestVatima Foundation Vipliko at the design of the worship of Ukraine;
- in the sowing of the zobin, Ukrainian, at the framework of the єvrointegrae process. “Golovni Pannnya, yaki pydnimav I am, – the stench there is a lifting there is a fan. Golovna for Mene Bulo, I do not є borzhnikov, in the sung, Nemo, 500 billion Borgu, Ni 100. Bulo Boo Bul Bolovly in the way to us,” said vin.
“The Foundation is the Ukrainian-American, and not the Tilki American.”
President Takozh Zhodomiv, the comment of the document is a faded ratiface of the Verkhovniy Radі. “Here is the Ukrainian, they are rositing with lines, the audit de cos. 50% of the ily to the fund. The advance will be said, yak can be prazuvati partnership,” explaining Vin. Namir Pіdpisuvati to a friend, I’ll see the pleasantly, Yakshcho is not a warranty nonsense.