• 27/02/2025 13:45

Lawyer explaining, yak, who was worshiping the anti -crooper court, the practice of the єvropei trial of the rights of the people's rights

Єvrophya trial of the rights of the people's rights. In fact, Vakselu yak is the Dopomog Zakhisnikiv, so I am the right of the people.

about the boss, the lawyer of the Ukrainian, a member of the pravlinnya of the Assotziyan Ukrainian Semen Khanin, the RBK-Ukraina Posilam on the “Law I BISTY”.

“Vax Nivelyu, Yak Lawov Duphomog Zakhisnikiv, so the right of the people. Slidchi, Suddi Switching practice єSPL: Wax wax solvioledjot, ShO in once, 100% ALIBI,” Special, about Yaku, it could recover lawlessly. Movchki Spoxts for Tsim Stli more than a lot, ”wrote Khanyn.

for yogo words, hinghi court vaksi prove the guides of the accusations of the April, permissible, permissions of the same. Yak to be put to such, on the yaki on the herd of a safety entry, it is not a converting of respect for the same, having attached a lawyer lawyer.

vin, I put it on the hiogodni teddy vaks, they crossed the farce z’yasuvannya. Leisure of the ROZSLIDUANNIA.

Nagadami, wounded єvrokomіsya, the anti -corps of the village of Daedalh Bilsh by the Zapi Nabu, the Systematic Wound the Constitutions Lawyni Rights. At the PIDIGRAVANNIA to the prosecutors of the SAP.

Terminov, that is important about Vіina Rosії Aggrapery Read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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