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Salt suddenly scattered: quarrel or luck?

Salt from ancient times was not only a product necessary for life, but also a symbol of different people's beliefs. It was used in the rituals of purification, amulets, as well as attributed to her the ability to bring good luck and cause troubles, IZ writes. One of the most common prejudices is the belief that scattered salt promises a quarrel. But is it really that? Let's understand this issue deeper. class = “eztoc-chide” style = “display: none;”> togle Why is scattered salt associated with quarrel? EZ-TOC-HAADING-LEVEL-2 '> Can Salted Salt Be a Symbol of Good Luck? prejudice

  • Throw a pinch of salt over the left shoulder -It is believed that it is possible to “blind” evil spirits that allegedly try to bring a quarrel into the house. Smile or joke -a positive mood ignores prejudices and prevents their impact.

Interestingly, in some cultures, scattered salt is considered a good sign. For example, the ancient Slavs had a sign that if the salt accidentally crumbled into a young girl, it meant that she was waiting for a quick marriage. And in India, it is believed that salt that accidentally hit the floor capable of cleaning up space from negative energy.

in the modern world, some people perceive such cases as an opportunity to change their thinking-instead of waiting for a quarrel they see in this sign to improve relationships or start something new. symbolism Salts in different cultures

salt plays a significant role in the traditions and rituals of different peoples. It is a symbol of hospitality, purity, protection and even spiritual purification.

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