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Zelensky їed to Trump. Yaku to the sake of PIDPISUVATIMA

President Volodymyr Zelensky at Washingon. American King Donald Trump. PID Hour Tsyogo Vizita, Pirisenna Mizhoka, USA, USA FRAMENT CARISNISKY Kopalini.

RBK-Ukraine in the Matereal Zibral everything, Scho about Vizit Zelensky to Washington, Yogo Zustych Zusti The USA MIZHYANY TO USA.

Pidprise, please, about Kopalini Mizh Ukrainian, the United States

is ahead of Trump Pіdfordiv, Sho Zelensky Biliy DIM at the tsu p'yatnitsky for ceremonies about Coris Kopalini. The US President declared, Chus, the wake of the “great alive”, the nature of the Ukrainian Lider is the Obligious at the strokes of the same, they are deprived of the Leshevy Dogovir, and from the attack – even the Surrender of the Surrender, the faded.

Take a way, the framework of the MAY MAH BUTI PID is a mIZh cow of the Coruman at the President of Trump I Zelensky. Uglose representers of the Ukrainian, the head of the HMS Andriy Sibiga Tu Ekononiki Yulia Sviridenko.

Ahead of all, in Ukraine, the text of the document of the PID for the ruling of the rules of the INvestani Foundation of Vidbudov Ukrainian Buv of Ukrainian I USA.

The essence of the given document is attained. Ukrainian United States Privnis, storage of St. Come to be navigable, Ikhona is introduced up to the Nogo 50% permissive, Otrimani, the Maybutni-Monetiza Monetiz, Yaki є є ’sovereigns, and Takozhovіdovykkktstravsyni.

the USA TO THIS SIME PAYS will be ROBITI VIDPOVIDNISKY. Denmark Foundation Bude izhvestwati Tsi Koshti VID Ukrainian, USA in the socket of Ukraine, at the worship, at Bezpek. The Foundation is controlled by the Obrook of the Krajan. VSI RISHENNY will be a deprivation of the lichen for the rows of the wallpaper of the participation.

The framework is given to me not to be able to make a straight guarantee flapege of the United States, at Chomu Ranche, a napologav Kiva. In the document about the announcement, the U.S. PIDTRIMA -Zuellya Ugdrima Opinana is the guarante of the guarantee, the trivial trivial world. “

one, the wounded the President of the Ukrainian, the President of the Ukrainian, the deprivation of the deprivation of the shift The document will be Mati Obov'yazkov Ratifice in Parliament of Ukraine.

Under the Tsom Vidanni Economist іz, to Jelelo in Ukraine, it wrote, the Zelensky is not the same to the pydpisuvati to the sake of the USA of the USA about access to the RidkiRegs Coris Kopalin, and the pissle of the framework of the framework of the whale, the worships of the worships with the side of Washington.

Trump's post -perenno panty on the shoulders єvropi. And in the same Zatannіkh, he said in the intergene, saying, the presence of the American іnvestorin ButsiziMto is “automatic to the nonsense” for Ukrainian.

“I am not a guarantee of the guarantor of the nonsense, not the habit of robbing the work. they have a bahato, ”Trump to the magazines.

I wanted the guarantor of the war -USA, it is important to go to the spios, in one Ukrainian, all the same reached the Assumption. In the result of the robot of negotiation teams, the text, getting a fairly painting, is to receive for the Pidprisensnnykh Ukrainian.

Sucking kyiv diyno snake unit Yakikhos of specific zobs, nasamed, not worsening the Ephemeral “Borga” before Washington for the same dedication. Nagadamo, Pershochergovi VARIANTI USA about 100% Volodіnnya INvestanimi Foundation I Suma in 500 billion Buli Znathy.

“For us, it is important for us, in the text of the hogg about Borg Ukrainian. Ni 500 mialardiv, ni about іnshiy borghi. Krim, the point about the vidshokovnia of the offensive Maybutni 2 Dalards for 1”, – declaring the MZS of Ukrainian Georgiy quiet.

The deputy stroke Volodіnnya “Pass -are” of the sums, the venweman for the sake of the parties. At the TSOOM, the nourish is not screamed, it is generally shifted, yak American side is controlled by the New Foundation of I will be Mechanizmi Delivennya. VTIM, Bagato details of Mayut Boti Voznoeni PID Hour Maybutnih negotiation.

about those about those take ridkihnemelni, yak Zamiyazhili, about the sake of the sake of I Chim Buv, Rosuli Trump – Read the oramomomom Matereal RBK -Ukraine.

Zustych Zelensky with Trump

Such a rank, Sogodni, Persha Zustych Mizh Koro Lider for the moment of Trump's deputy for a land. Zelensky tolerate with the head of the boss home in front of the coin of the negotiations of Trump with dictator Volodimir Putin. On the important of the Tsyoy aspect, he hung up the Ukrainian head of the Soverey, the edible signal is edible.

President Rospoviv, PID PID Hour Waszita before Washington, to say, is not a lichen about the sake of Korisni Kopalini. Vin is embedded, she wants to rewind garuna vіdpovіd on those, Chi, Ukrainian, Rozrahovati on the piditrim of the American Guard of the Union of the Nogo, the nyazhny pants.

“Moh, the wake of Dazhe is straight – the USA to go to the US PIDRIMOVATI, Chi? Yakscho Ts, I will not be finished in the USA? Bagato of speeches, such yak vydobutok mіnerliv.In the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, such a thing was inhaled, the delegate of the Krajan is to be discussed by Washingtoni Crooki, document, yaki will be the sinks of the framework of the Ukrainian-mechanic to please Kopalini.

“specifically, about the barrel of the fund himself, Dali Dominen, Yaki will be for the fraud. I think, a marty of us at a tsoma tomorrow, – leaving the quiet.

It is imperative, Sho Zustych LIDERIV VIDHULL PISLE Low Scandalous vipades of the US President in the BIK of Ukrainian King. The remaining an hour Trump Rizkritic having his own Ukrainian King, yogo's edible in the “dictator”, declared about “4% of Zelensky's piditrim” that directly tensioning on the non -chief conducted by Viboriv in Ukraine. In an analogical key, INSHIS INSHICS Yogo Administrait.

The president of Ukraine, having staggered, not befall on Trump, naked, and I am important for the nyoye, they think about the noyo, I think Ukrainians. Vidnosini with the head of the bloor house vin, as follows:

“Our vivnezini, there are no stunches … Nastilki Dobrimi. I think, ours ours ours, yaki is a strategic war. I to the people “.

At once, Zakhidni Zmi is a goodbye, Sho Zustych at Bilom Domi, the Dati Zelensko chance to bring his argument to the submission of the USA, unproted to Trump, Yaki Minoi Tizhnya Lede is not directly Zvinuvati Kyiva at the Rosv’ovniynі ovinnіni z.

Nagadami, Pislya Vizita in the United States President Volodymyr Zelensky Plan Vidvіdati London for Zustropi King. Prem British Kir Starmer Zbere at himself low Lіderev piriv iz Trump at Washingtoni. Surved -shaped I President Franziyah, Embron Macron, Yakiy wounded Tzheogo Tizhnya, he was nasty with the head of the bialog house.

to be in, Stezhoma Takomatima Lіderiv veliya, Nonmeuccini, Polish, the same allies. On Zustrichi, to talk to the US President Donald Trump Shoi Rosiyi, the Office of Ukraine. Attecks ​​PIDHID to the nonsense, uneasyly declared, ShOVROPEICIKY CANTER POVOVNI OBILSHITI VTITRETI TO SMOSTINOVINOVIDATI for VOUSNAS NAILLY. On the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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