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March 1 – what is the holiday today and what cannot be done

On March 1, the Orthodox honor the memory of the Holy Reverend Martyr Evdokia, who lived in Heliopol, Syria, in the first century, writes IZ. At first, she led a sinful lifestyle, but after converting to Christianity she became a nun. Evdokia was famous for its faith, miracles and prayers, which made many people accepted Christianity. She went a difficult path of suffering and was executed during the time of Emperor Adrian, about 114. Her death became a symbol of the stability of faith and serving God.

March 1 is rich in signs and prohibitions. You cannot lie on this day because the falsehood will be opened quickly. It is also not recommended to plan something important – such cases will not be successful. The refusal to help others is also undesirable, as it can fail. Among the folk signs are the following: a sunny day promises a rich harvest, blizzard or heavy snow – until the late spring, and the rain heralds a warm and wet summer. It was believed that the melt water of this day has healing properties and can protect against disease.

March 1 also celebrate several international holidays. It is World Horse Day, which emphasizes the importance of these animals for human civilization, and the International Day for a Wheel Trolley, reminiscent of the need for equal opportunities for people with disabilities. In addition, today they celebrate the day of zero discrimination aimed at combating any form of bias and discrimination in society. And yet – World Compliment Day, which calls for warm words to others without any benefit. The mascot for those born on March 1 is Amazonite – a stone that is believed to rejuvenate the skin and helps in the treatment of vascular disease. This day also went down in a number of important events: from the creation of the first national park in the United States to the liberation of Kiev from the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Recall that we wrote earlier about traditions, signs and historical events on February 28


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