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March 2 — what holiday is today: church events and prohibitions of the day

On March 2, Orthodox believers commemorate the holy martyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene, writes IZ. He was born into a Christian family in Galatia, Asia Minor, and received a good education from an early age. Theodotus went to the island of Cyprus, where he actively preached Christianity and converted pagans. During the reign of Emperor Licinius, who cruelly persecuted Christians, Theodotus himself appeared before the governor to testify to his faith. He was subjected to terrible torture, but he remained steadfast. After his release under Emperor Constantine the Great, he served as bishop in Cyrene for two more years and peacefully departed to the Lord around 320.

There are certain prohibitions on this day. You should not laugh too loudly, as this can bring poverty to the family. It is also not recommended to arrange feasts and fun, as this can turn into trouble. It is also not recommended to light a fire in the house on this day. Folk signs are associated with the weather: a warm southern wind promises a rainy summer, a cold northern wind – a dry and cool one. If the sun comes out at noon, then the grain will bear fruit, and snowfall means that the grass will not appear soon.

March 2 is International Cat Rescue Day. This holiday is designed to draw attention to the problems of homeless and abandoned animals and support those who are involved in their rescue. Today is also World Children's Television and Radio Day. Its goal is to provide quality content for children and pay attention to their needs. And this day is also celebrated as the Birthday of the CD. It was in 1983 that CDs first appeared on sale, which became a real revolution in the world of music.

Today's name day is celebrated by Arseny, Bogdan, Joseph, Mykola and Sava. The talisman of the day is pearls, which have long been considered a symbol of purity and light. It is believed that this stone darkens if its owner is in danger or is damaged. Many important historical events also occurred on this day, including the declaration of independence of Texas from Mexico and the publication of the first issue of Time magazine in the USA.

We remind you that we previously wrote about prohibitions, traditions, and memorable events on March 1.


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